Bill Starr 5x5 Excel Spreadsheet


This is only one version of Bill Starr’s 5×5 workouts and. You’ll need Microsoft Excel or a compatible spreadsheet program. 5x5 workout / bill starr. Bill Starr 5x5 is easy to understand and follow, allows for steady weekly increases, and has simple de-loads. It's meant to get you bigger and stronger. Bill Starr 5x5 is easy to understand and follow, allows for steady weekly increases, and has simple de-loads.

When I found the Madcow 5×5 workout spreadsheet based on Bill Starr’s Intermediate 5×5 routine, I wasn’t even thinking about “strength gains”. I just wanted to get bigger (because I’ve been around 175lbs forever and really wanted to hit 190 or 200). Now I look forward to out lifting guys that are a lot bigger than me. I’m truly glad I found it and it, and I credit this routine with setting the base for the first time I pulled 500lbs. (Next is 600lbs)! The 5×5 workout is just that 5 sets of 5 repetitions using compound movements almost exclusively.

There is some assistance (isolation) work which is good to include, but one of the big goals I’ve found with the intermediate 5×5 is getting more time under the bar so when you move on to more advanced routines you don’t look like those tools in the gym that throw on a ton of weight in the squat rack and then do a 1/4 squat with knees buckling and a myriad of other form flaws. The basic premise of the routine is squat/bench three times/week. (Deadlift is only once per week).

Bill Starr 5x5 Spreadsheet

Also, the original Bill Starr program used power cleans. (Madcow recommends using bent over barbell rows if you don’t know how to do power cleans.

I’ve done both at different times but typically used bent over barbell rows). Another thing about the 5×5 workout is that you increase your weight every week. It’s not always increased a lot, but usually around 5lbs for upper body and 10lbs for lower. There are percentage calculations you can use, and Madcow actually created a great spreadsheet (that I improved on with formatting, printing, etc), and that’s a great place to start for newbies. It breaks down to this: • Monday: Squat/Bent over barbell rows/Bench • Wednesday: Light Squat/Incline Bench/Deadlift (I prefer doing incline dumbell bench) • Friday: Squat/Bent over barbell rows/Bench Finally, PAY ATTENTION I completely agree with the Madcow DO NOT SCREW WITH THIS WORKOUT.

Just do EXACTLY what it says and you’ll see results. Download ryuichi sakamoto pure best rar file. After you’ve been on it for a while you can start playing with it. In the beginning, stick with the template 5×5 workout. You’ll thank yourself, I know from experience. Recently I cleaned up the spreadsheets even more and moved them from DIY Strength Training to Violent Zen™. (Links are below).

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I don’t go into any detail on how to implement the 5×5 workout in these videos because Madcow’s info covers it very well and there is a ton of other info online too. (HOWEVER, in the future I may put a video together). At a very minimum, you need to watch the portrait version of the 5×5 spreadsheet breakdown: “5X5 Workout Routine – Madcow 5×5 Spreadsheet – PORTRAIT – Intermediate” NOTE: The first two videos are from my other site DIY Strength Training, that I am no longer updating. Also, be sure to sign up for updates! I have no idea how many thousands of people have downloaded previous versions of these spreadsheets, and now I have no way to notify them that there are new versions available. Portrait Version Total Time: ~7min Landscape Version Total Time: ~2min Updated Version Total Time: ~3min.

Bill Starr 5x5 Template

Perhaps the most influential book ever written on the subject of strength training for sports is Bill Starr’s “ The Strongest Shall Survive: Strength Training for Football” written in 1976. Since then, seemingly endless variations of Starr’s original 5×5 routine have sprouted up all over the Net and for good reason – it is possibly the most perfect strength routine ever devised. His routine focused on bench presses, squats and power cleans, done on a Monday – Wednesday – Friday rotation with heavy, medium and light days. Bill Starr popularized the “5×5” routine – each exercise was done following a protocol of five sets of five reps. Starr’s 5×5 routine uses the three exercises which Starr referred to as “the big three”, quoting Starr: “ These are 3 basic exercises used by weightlifters to increase their strength.the football player (and you can insert Martial Artist, Fighter, whatever there) must work for overall body strength as opposed to specific strengthening exercises.In other words the athlete should be building total leg strength rather than just stronger hamstrings. He should be seeking overall strength in his shoulder girdle rather than just stronger deltoids.the program is fast, simple and, most importantly, effective.